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Subject: Zaval LwVCL v4.0 released

Product: Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library
Online demo:

Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library (LwVCL) is a light-weight GUI library that can run on wide range of platforms, including (but not limited to) J2SE, J2ME Personal Profile, J2ME MIDP, Microsoft .NET and MONO .NET.

It does not matter what LwVCL version you are going to use - J2SE, J2ME, or .NET LwVCL - the result will be the same. The same API, the same concept the same look and feel.

The library is also well-known by its foot-print size: 155Kb for core Java and 190Kb for core .NET package respectively. This allows library to be used on the wide range of devices from desktop systems, handhelds like iPAQ and Zaurus to Palms and mobile phones.

For this version release notes see
Subject: Zaval JRC Editor v2.0 released

Product: Zaval JRC Editor

Zaval Java Resource Editor is not a simply resource editing tool - it provides rich and flexible way to manage text-based resources. In fact, you are able to make any distributed translations as you want in several forms outside JRCE. But in all cases you will need to merge all changes after translation and do a clean up texts being translated; and JRC Editor provides all necessary features to accomplish these tasks.

Many thanks to all contributors, that helped us with this release (see docs/Authors file).

Note to all JRC Editor users: should you want to see our tool translated to your language, please feel free to send us the translation - it will be included in the official release.

  • input methods support have added
  • text typing support have rewritten to support CJK and other multibyte encodings
  • import from JAR files directly have added
  • open file at startup from command line ability have added
  • hide completely translated option have added
  • auto resizing of text areas when typing have added
  • smart text auto-scrolling have added
  • track last used directory feature have added
  • key renaming feature have added
  • search capability have improved
  • search ability for key names have updated
  • regexp search have added
  • simplified glob()-like search have added (* and ? meta-characters have added)
  • case insensitive search have added for all methods of search
  • alerts for no/no more data found have added
  • more room for comments have added
  • comments now can be removed by separate button
  • startup performance have improved greatly
  • huge translation files support have optimized
  • context menus in tree have added
  • context menus in edit fields have added
  • startup scripts have updated. Now JAR fileis self-executable
  • force encoding support have removed as no longer needed
  • Slovak translation have added
  • new features are configurable now
  • Linux rpm spec have added in distribution
  • Windows executable have added in distribution
  • tree node selection bug have fixed
  • Per-user configuration support have added
  • Tree images painting scheme have updated
  • More accurate diagnostic have added
  • replace feature have added
  • Italian translation added
  • Documentation updated
Subject: Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library v3.3.0 released

Product: Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library

Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library (LwVCL) is a pure Java alternative to humble AWT-based GUI interfaces for wide ranges of platforms, including J2SE, PersonalJava and others.

LwVCL can be used on wide range of PersonalJava compatible devices, including Sharp Zaurus, Compaq iPAQ and top models of mobil phones with the same API as it is used in J2SE application; our library is most efficient way to develop highly scalable GUI applications from PersonalJava to any J2SE applications.

Changes focus: major bugfixes.

Several new components were added:
  • Timer component;
  • Toot-tip manager;
  • Modal window;
  • Slider component;
  • Spin component.
Subject: Zaval Advanced TV Guide v2.0.0 released

Product: Zaval Advanced TV Guide (for Palm)

Zaval Advanced TV Guide (also known as ATV) is a small and nifty program that allows TV schedule viewing with your PDA, so you will be always informed on what's on TV. With our product you can do TV programs tracking and much more!

Zaval Advanced TV Guide is easy to use software with user-friendly interface and rich set of features to manage and control TV programs. Now it has parse-and-download modules for:

Euro TV (;
NTV+ (;
Ajara TV (;
Evening Minsk (;
Cosmos TV (;
CityCat (;
RBC (;
VseTV (;
TV Today ( (not supported);
Kulichki ( (not supported);
Caravan ( (not supported);
Alba ( (not supported).

Zaval Advanced TV Guide comes with English, German, French and Russian support pre-configured. Alternatively, you can add your own language support.
Subject: Zaval File Search v1.3.0 released

Product: Zaval File Search

The Zaval File Search tool is designed to provide easy and powerful indexing and search facilities in corporate networks with SMB/MS Network shares and FTP servers. Similar products are MS Indexing Service, and Napster-like tools.

  • localization support added;
  • statistics page added;
  • minor interface changes;
  • incremental index building scheme added;
  • exclude.shares and exclude.files support;
  • many bugs fixed.
Subject: Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library v3.0.0 released

Product: Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library

Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library (LwVCL) is a pure Java alternative to humble AWT-based GUI interfaces for wide ranges of platforms, including J2SE, PersonalJava and others.

LwVCL can be used on wide range of PersonalJava compatible devices, including Sharp Zaurus, Compaq iPAQ and top models of mobil phones with the same API as it is used in J2SE application; our library is most efficient way to develop highly scalable GUI applications from PersonalJava to any J2SE applications.

  • Library was optimized for various PersonalJava devices such as Zaurus and iPAQ – live demo available;
  • The library itself was finally divided into two packages:
    • The LwVCL core classes. Package size is about 139Kb! Package contains core classes and components;
    • The LwVCL extension package. Package size is about 22Kb! Package contains additional lightweight components such as LwSpin, LwWindow, LwMaskTextField, LwTreeGrid, etc. This package cannot be used without LwVCL core package;
  • Library functionality has a lot of different changes;
  • Tutorial and "How to" were improved;
  • Several different bugs were fixed.
Subject: Zaval Advanced TV Guide v2.0b available

Product: Zaval Advanced TV Guide

Zaval Advanced TV Guide (also known as ATV) is a small and nifty program that allows TV schedule viewing with your PDA, so you will be always informed on what's on TV.
Zaval Advanced TV Guide comes with English, Russian, German and French support pre-configured. Alternatively, you can add your own language support.
Subject: Zaval Java Resource Editor 1.3.1 released

Product: Zaval Java Resource Editor

Zaval Java Resource Editor is not a simply resource editing tool - it provides rich and flexible way to manage text-based resources. In fact, you are able to make any distributed translations as you want in several forms outside JRCE. But in all cases you will need to merge all changes after translation and do a clean up texts being translated; and JRC Editor provides all necessary features to accomplish these tasks.

  • Join/Split functionality has been added as separate non-interactive command-line tool;
  • Startup scripts renamed;
  • Documentation updated;
  • Join/Split functionality has been added;
  • Native and pure Java controls support enhanced;
  • Shortcuts navigation modified;
  • Main menu updated;
  • Startup scripts slightly changed;
  • German translation improved.
Subject: Zaval Java Resource Editor 1.2.0 released.

Product: Zaval Java Resource Editor

The Zaval JRC Editor (also known as Zaval Java Resource Editor) solution is small and easy-to-use visual editor for resource files. It provides GUI tool to manipulate these resources. The files being produced by this tool is fully compatible with ResourceBundle expectations.

  • Shortcuts navigation added;
  • Main menu updated;
  • XML import/export added;
  • Plain text import/export added;
  • Tab and keyboard navigation slightly changed;
  • Startup scripts updated;
Subject: Zaval Proxy Suite 1.0.0 released.

Product: Zaval Proxy Suite

The Zaval Proxy Suite is an easy-to-use solution that allows monitoring TCP-based protocols, such as HTTP, NNTP and others. It is extremely useful in software development and can be used as a debug tool. Another area of appliance is multiple connections logging with proxy facilities. As soon as it's a pure java solution it can be used almost everywhere.
Subject: Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library 2.0.0 released.

Product: Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library

Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library (LwVCL) is the alternative to humble AWT-based and SWING-based GUI interfaces. Designed as light-weight but, alternatively to Swing, built separately from AWT (not on top of the java.awt library like Swing), the LwVCL is the good alternative to highly performant, memory-efficient, flexible GUI solution for stand-alone and applet applications.

  • Almost all components were re-written and several new components were added(LwGrid, LwTreeGrid, LwStatusBar, LwProgress, LwPopupMan, and others). See docs/preface.pdf for more info;
  • Several components were renamed (see ChangeLog);
  • Set of additional images for LwTree/LwTreeGrid added - see /add-on directory;
Subject: Zaval Java Resource Editor 1.1.0 released.

Product: Zaval Java Resource Editor

The Zaval JRC Editor (also known as Zaval Java Resource Editor) solution is small and easy-to-use visual editor for resource files. It provides GUI tool to manipulate these resources. The files being produced by this tool is fully compatible with ResourceBundle expectations.

  • manipulations with empty entries;
  • clipboard functionality fixed;
  • startup script that works even if you invoke the script via a link;
  • minor UI changes;
  • delete non-leaf elements added;
  • tree expand/collapse manipulations added;
  • statistics added;
  • Export by SQL select queries support;