Uses of Class

Packages that use Item Different interfaces and classes used for data representation. Different events related to data layer. 
org.zaval.lw.grid This is set of classes to implement the light weight grid and tree grid components. 
org.zaval.lw.tree This is set of classes to implement the light weight tree component. 

Uses of Item in

Methods in that return Item
 Item Tree.getRoot()
 Item[] Tree.getChildren()
          Gets all child items for the root item of the tree.
 Item[] Tree.getChildren(Item item)
          Gets all child items for the specified item.
 Item Tree.getChildAt(Item item, int index)
 Item Tree.getParent(Item item)
 Item TreeModel.getRoot()
          Gets the root item of the tree model.
 Item TreeModel.getParent(Item item)
          Returns a parent for the given item.
 Item TreeModel.getChildAt(Item item, int index)
          Returns a child item for the given parent item at the specified index.

Methods in with parameters of type Item
 void Tree.setRoot(Item r)
 Item[] Tree.getChildren(Item item)
          Gets all child items for the specified item.
 Item Tree.getChildAt(Item item, int index)
 int Tree.getChildIndex(Item item)
 Item Tree.getParent(Item item)
 int Tree.getChildrenCount(Item item)
 boolean Tree.hasChildren(Item item)
 boolean Tree.contains(Item item)
          Tests if the specified item is contained with this tree model.
 void Tree.add(Item to, Item item)
 void Tree.insert(Item to, Item item, int index)
 void Tree.remove(Item item)
 void Tree.removeChild(Item parent, int index)
          Deletes a child item from the specified parent item at the specified index.
 void Tree.removeKids(Item item)
          Deletes all child items for the specified parent item.
 Tree Tree.clone(Item item)
          Creates a subtree for the specified item of this tree.
 void Tree.set(Item item, java.lang.Object o)
          Sets the specified value for the given tree item.
protected  void Tree.regItem(Item item, Item parent, java.util.Vector v)
          The method is used to register the specified item as a member of the tree model.
protected  void Tree.unregItem(Item item)
          The method is used to unregister the specified item as a member of the tree model.
 Item TreeModel.getParent(Item item)
          Returns a parent for the given item.
 Item TreeModel.getChildAt(Item item, int index)
          Returns a child item for the given parent item at the specified index.
 int TreeModel.getChildIndex(Item item)
          Searches for the first occurence of the given item in the parent items vector, testing for equality using the equals method and returns the child index.
 int TreeModel.getChildrenCount(Item item)
          Returns a number of child items for the given parent item.
 boolean TreeModel.hasChildren(Item item)
          Tests if the item has one or more child items.
 void TreeModel.add(Item to, Item item)
          Adds the item into the tree as a child of the parent item.
 void TreeModel.insert(Item to, Item item, int index)
          Inserts the specified item into the tree as a child of the parent item, at the specified index.
 void TreeModel.set(Item item, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the specified value for the given tree item.
 void TreeModel.remove(Item item)
          Removes the specified item from the tree.

Constructors in with parameters of type Item
Tree(Item r)
          Constructs a new tree with the given item as a root of the hierarchy.
Item(Item item)
          Constructs a new item as a copy of the given item.

Uses of Item in

Methods in that return Item
 Item TreeEvent.getItem()
          Gets the item that has been modified, inserted or added.

Constructors in with parameters of type Item
TreeEvent(java.lang.Object src, int id, Item item)
          Constructs a new tree model event with the given source, event id and item.

Uses of Item in org.zaval.lw.grid

Methods in org.zaval.lw.grid that return Item
 Item LwTreeGrid.getSelectedItem()
          Gets the selected tree item.
 Item LwTreeGrid.getItemByRow(int row)
          Returns the tree item by the specified model row.

Methods in org.zaval.lw.grid with parameters of type Item
 void LwTreeGrid.put(Item item, int row, int col, java.lang.Object o)

Uses of Item in org.zaval.lw.tree

Methods in org.zaval.lw.tree that return Item
 Item LwTree.getSelectedItem()
          Gets the item that is selected at the moment.

Methods in org.zaval.lw.tree with parameters of type Item
 void LwTree.toggle(Item item)
          Switches a toggle state for the specified tree item.
 void item)
          Selects the specified node of the tree.
 boolean LwTree.isOpen(Item i)
          Checks if the tree item is expanded.
 ItemMetrics LwTree.getItemMetrics(Item i)
          Gets the item metric for the specified item.

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