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The package is a set of components that can be utilized in Java Applications to draw various
types of business charts, diagrams, histograms, etc. It is possible to use our product
with different GUI libraries:
- Java AWT
- Java SWING
- LwVCL of course :)
This library is just a base package and can be easily
extended. There is a special set of classes that allows new
chart types to be implemented quickly. The library is
independent on a GUI library, so it is possible to adapt the
package for any Java GUI library.
The other feature is ability to develop own "projector". It means that it is possible to
implement different kind projectors for 3D graphics, for example "isometric projection",
"axonometric projection" and so on. In this case just implement the projector interface
and set it for appropriate chart, the other classes of the library are kept without any changes.
At the moment the following chart types are implemented with the package:
- 2D Line graphics
- 2D Fill graphics
- Histogram Bars
- Cheese to draw percentage
All support activities, branch versioning, and custom
software modifications are available for the Zaval Java Charts Package as they are specified
by the General Maintenance and Support Policy
of the Zaval CE Group.
The focus of the Zaval CE Group in the area of Java GUI development is oriented
at the LwVCL, GDP, Charts and the XmVCL Projects.
(The XmVCL project is the eXtension Media Visual Component
Library is the blend of sound and Java Advanced Imaging, built as
an extension to LwVCL.) Contributions of new components, API's, and other
modifications from third parties are possible under terms of the
Third-Party Contribution Process after completing quality assurance
Now you can receive information on latest products' updates and hotfixes via email.
It is a low-traffic list - several messages per month. To subscribe, send blank mail to news-subscribe@zaval.org.
For more information about the product, please contact Zaval
CE Group directly in a free form.
Thank you,
The Zaval CE Group.