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The Zaval Database Export Utility is a light-weight, web-based client, specially designed
for data export from any database without having to launch the database-specific
administrative clients or tools. Best used by advanced software engineers and database
The Zaval Database Export Utility handles only one task - data
export, but does it really good. You can get data from selected
or all fields of any table in a form of insert queries. So, they
can be easily imported to any database. To make your life even
easier our tool provides a possibility to generate drop/create
routing for selected tables (actually, create operation is usually
database-specific, so our tool generate something like a template
of create queries).
To import data that we get with Zaval Database Export Utility you can use
our well-known Zaval Database Front-end
solution. So, you can handle almost all database administrator's tasks
using two small and handy utilities.
Just like Zaval Database Front-end this tool can be used to access
database remotely via HTTP or HTTPS protocols. Since this tool is
a Web-based client, developers and administrators may connect to
the database via the SSL configured for all major Web servers with
JSP 1.2 compliant engine installed (Resin, Tomcat, WebSphere,
All support activities, branch versioning, and custom software modifications
are available for this product as they are specified by the General
Maintenance and Support Policy of the Zaval CE Group.
The focus of the Zaval CE Group in the area of Java front-end development
is oriented at the Web solutions like Zaval Database Front-end,
Zaval Database Export Utility and
the Zaval LDAP Front-end Projects. Contributions of new components, API's,
and other modifications from third parties are possible under terms of the
General Third-Party Contribution Process after
completing quality assurance protocol.
Now you can receive information on latest products' updates and hotfixes via email.
It is a low-traffic list - several messages per month. To subscribe, send blank mail to news-subscribe@zaval.org.
For more information about the product, please contact Zaval
CE Group directly in a free form.
Thank you,
The Zaval CE Group.