Lecture outline
- Introduction to Java
- Setting development environment
- Environment variables
- Javadoc
- Editor
- Command-line tools
- Essentials of Java software design
- Java API Essentials
- I/O streams
- Serialization
- Reflection API
- Basic threads
- Protocols
- Homework
Introduction to Java
Establishing the common language: Java concept and application areas.
Setting development environment
Environment variables
Java API structure.
Simple text editor vs. huge IDE. Pros and cons of different IDEs.
Command-line tools
javac -cp %CLASSPATH%;mylib.jar Main.java MyClass1.java MyClass2.java
java -cp %CLASSPATH%;mylib.jar Main
javadoc -d javadoc -sourcepath src -package -use -splitIndex -link D:/javadoc/api -windowtitle MyAPI
Resolving dependencies.
Essentials of Java software design
Interfaces and Listeners
Most common mistakes at the beginning.
Java API Essentials
This part of the lecture will cover major part of Java API essential for basic services development.
Interaction will be in a form of tasks fulfilment and control.
Proceed with tasks: specification
Sources of the server part for task "Protocol" can be found here: server.zip
Complete the tasks indicated above.
Recommended readings
We appriciate any comments on the course structure and content.
Thank you,
The Zaval CE Group.