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Black Mesa Research Lab |
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Typed XSLT Transformations |
- Hyper-graphs vs. OLAP |
- Distance learning |
- Knowledge gathering |
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RMI Registry crash-resistant servers |
eXperience. eXtreme. eXperiment. eXplore. and eXploit.
See the birth of new technologies.
The Black Mesa Research Facility is a dedicated lab for research in a field of experimental software
development with or without any particular purpose. Black Mesa is a place to give a birth to new ideas
and new technologies. It is a place where we turn ideas into something tangible (even like a math formula)
and then into software and technology.
In some cases it is very hard to turn a new and shining idea into something that really works and is useful
to somebody. But, like anywhere in this life, sometimes you need a reason for just-do-it without any
purpose and without clear guidance on what will be coming next. It is not like early access (EA)
technologies. EA technologies have a definite future, simply the construction of a technology,
spec. writing and verification is at the very beginning of the road.
Black Mesa is different. Here you can develop anything anytime. Sometimes it is radical. Sometimes it is
impractical. The whole point is that the software piece does something that no one has ever seen before
and it works.
Black Mesa researches are experienced software developers with sometimes crazy or too innovative ideas.
Currently involved at Black Mesa are the founders, but like the rest, we are open for collaborations.
Currently we conduct researches in the following fields:
- LwVCL + JDK on a single floppy
- Typed XSLT Transformations
- Hyper-graphs vs. OLAP
- Distance learning
- Knowledge gathering
- RMI Registry crash-resistant servers