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All tasks can be splitted into two parts. These are intelectual jobs
and automated jobs. The software development process contains the activities
of both types.
The Zaval CE Team is oriented to automate all non-intellectual jobs found
in Zaval CE Team activities. For example, there are repeatable tests,
code generation, projects maintenance, coding standard analysis and so
on. The second important part of Zaval CE activities in brief can be described
as to find way to convert part of intellectual jobs to the possibly automated
jobs by the computer based calculations and modelling.
Intellectual activities conversion is based upon technology and organizational
- The methodology based requirements are described in Process
and Methodology section. These actions helps the automated tools
to manipulate modules and functions in source code.
- The technology part contains theory of intellectual task solving,
behavioral and stream code description form conversions, and mathemathical
These points add strong limitations to the platform and language specific
operations provided by all imperative programming languages and techniques.
In such cases, Zaval CE Team can use functional languages in research of
this situation, but these points are not avoid any usage of imperative languages
in Zaval CE Development Process.
Zaval CE Team experimental activities provided by Black Mesa Research
Lab have no requirements to the Zaval CE Software in such case, because
this techniquie is under a huge construction. The experiments of Black
Mesa can be treated as recommendations only. The experimental pieces are
published under general software if successful results are achieved and
software may be applied to producing something necessary.
For more information about our standard details, please contact the
Zaval CE Team for Research
and Technology information in a free form.
Research and Technology Dept.
Zaval CE Group