Class LwSpin

All Implemented Interfaces:
Drawable, java.util.EventListener, Layoutable, LayoutContainer, LwActionListener, LwComponent, LwContainer, LwLayout, TextListener, Validationable

public class LwSpin
extends LwPanel
implements LwLayout, LwActionListener, TextListener

This is spin light weight component that can be used to input a bound integer value. The bound is determined by setBound method. To control current value use setValue and getValue methods. The component performs action event whenever the spin value has been changed. Use addActionListener and removeActionListener methods to register the listener.

The spin value validation and representation are defined by LwSpinValidator. Use setSpinValidator method to customize it.

Fields inherited from class org.zaval.lw.LwPanel
Fields inherited from class org.zaval.lw.LwCanvas
bits, height, insets, parent, psHeight, psWidth, skins, width, x, y
Fields inherited from class org.zaval.util.ValidationObject
Constructor Summary
          Constructs the componen.
Method Summary
 void actionPerformed(LwActionEvent e)
          Invoked when an action event occured.
 void addActionListener(LwActionListener l)
          Adds the action events listener.
 java.awt.Dimension calcPreferredSize(LayoutContainer target)
          Calculates the preferred size dimension for the layout container.
 void componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is added to the layout container (that uses the layout manager).
 void componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is removed from the layout container, that uses the layout manager.
 void enableLoop(boolean b)
          Enables or disables the loop mode.
protected  LwLayout getDefaultLayout()
          Gets the default layout manager that is set with the container during initialization.
 int getMaxValue()
          Gets the maximum value.
 int getMinValue()
          Gets the minimum value.
 LwSpinValidator getSpinValidator()
          Gets the spin validator.
 int getStep()
          Gets the current step.
 TextModel getTextModel()
          Gets the text model.
 int getValue()
          Gets the current value.
 boolean isLoopEnabled()
          Returns the loop mode.
 void layout(LayoutContainer target)
          Lays out the child layoutable components inside the layout container.
 void removeActionListener(LwActionListener l)
          Removes the action events listener so it no longer get action events from the component.
 void setBound(int min, int max)
          Sets the specified bound.
 void setSpinValidator(LwSpinValidator v)
          Sets the specified spin validator.
 void setStep(int s)
          Sets the specified step.
 void setValue(int v)
          Sets the specified value.
 void textInserted(TextEvent e)
          Invoked when a new text has been inserted in the text.
 void textRemoved(TextEvent e)
          Invoked when a part of the text has been removed.
 void textUpdated(TextEvent e)
          Invoked when the text has been updated.
protected  void valueChanged()
          The method is called whenever the spin value has been changed.
Methods inherited from class org.zaval.lw.LwPanel
add, add, calcPreferredSize, count, get, getLayoutOffset, getLwComponentAt, getLwLayout, indexOf, insert, insert, invalidate, paintOnTop, recalc, remove, remove, removeAll, setBackground, setLwLayout, setOpaque, toFront, updateCashedPs
Methods inherited from class org.zaval.lw.LwCanvas
canHaveFocus, getBackground, getBounds, getHeight, getInsets, getLocation, getLwParent, getOrigin, getPreferredSize, getSize, getViewMan, getVisiblePart, getWidth, getX, getY, hasFocus, isEnabled, isOpaque, isVisible, paint, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, setEnabled, setInsets, setLocation, setLwParent, setPSSize, setSize, setViewMan, setVisible, toString, update, validate, viewManChanged, vrp
Methods inherited from class org.zaval.util.ValidationObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.zaval.lw.LwComponent
canHaveFocus, getLwParent, getViewMan, getVisiblePart, setEnabled, setLwParent, setViewMan, setVisible
Methods inherited from interface org.zaval.lw.Drawable
getBackground, getOrigin, isEnabled, isOpaque, paint, repaint, repaint, update
Methods inherited from interface org.zaval.util.Validationable
isValid, validate
Methods inherited from interface org.zaval.lw.Layoutable
getBounds, getHeight, getInsets, getLocation, getPreferredSize, getSize, getWidth, getX, getY, isVisible, setLocation, setSize

Constructor Detail


public LwSpin()
Constructs the componen. In this case the bound is [-10 .. +10].
Method Detail


public TextModel getTextModel()
Gets the text model.
a text model.


public void enableLoop(boolean b)
Enables or disables the loop mode. If the loop mode is enabled than a spin value will grow from minimal to maximal or from maximal to minimum values.
b - true to enable the loop mode.


public boolean isLoopEnabled()
Returns the loop mode.
a loop mode


public void setStep(int s)
Sets the specified step. The step is used as the spin value increment or decrement whenever a spin button is pressed.
s - the specified step.


public int getStep()
Gets the current step.
a current step


public void addActionListener(LwActionListener l)
Adds the action events listener. The action event is performed when a spin value has been changed.
l - the action events listener.


public void removeActionListener(LwActionListener l)
Removes the action events listener so it no longer get action events from the component.
l - the action events listener.


public void componentAdded(java.lang.Object id,
                           Layoutable lw,
                           int index)
Description copied from interface: LwLayout
Invoked when the specified layoutable component is added to the layout container (that uses the layout manager). The specified constraints, layoutable component and child index are passed as arguments into the method.
Specified by:
componentAdded in interface LwLayout
Following copied from interface: org.zaval.lw.LwLayout
id - the layoutable component constraints.
lw - the layoutable component that has been added.
index - the child index.


public void componentRemoved(Layoutable lw,
                             int index)
Description copied from interface: LwLayout
Invoked when the specified layoutable component is removed from the layout container, that uses the layout manager.
Specified by:
componentRemoved in interface LwLayout
Following copied from interface: org.zaval.lw.LwLayout
lw - the layoutable component that has been removed.
index - the child component index.


public java.awt.Dimension calcPreferredSize(LayoutContainer target)
Description copied from interface: LwLayout
Calculates the preferred size dimension for the layout container. The method has to calculate "pure" preferred size, it means that an insets of the container should not be considered.
Specified by:
calcPreferredSize in interface LwLayout
Following copied from interface: org.zaval.lw.LwLayout
target - the layout container.
a "pure" preferred size.


public void layout(LayoutContainer target)
Description copied from interface: LwLayout
Lays out the child layoutable components inside the layout container.
Specified by:
layout in interface LwLayout
Following copied from interface: org.zaval.lw.LwLayout
target - the layout container that needs to be laid out.


public void actionPerformed(LwActionEvent e)
Description copied from interface: LwActionListener
Invoked when an action event occured. The specified action event is passed to the method.
Specified by:
actionPerformed in interface LwActionListener
Following copied from interface: org.zaval.lw.event.LwActionListener
e - the specified action event.


public int getValue()
Gets the current value.
a current value.


public void setValue(int v)
Sets the specified value. If the loop mode is enabled than a case when the new value is less than minimum the method sets maximum value as the current or if the new value is greater than maximum the method sets minimum value as the current.
v - the new current value.


public int getMinValue()
Gets the minimum value. The current value cannot be less the minimum value.
a minimum value.


public int getMaxValue()
Gets the maximum value. The current value cannot be greater the maximum value.
a maximum value.


public LwSpinValidator getSpinValidator()
Gets the spin validator. The current validator is a mask handler that defines a spin value representation and validation algorithms.
a spin validator.


public void setSpinValidator(LwSpinValidator v)
Sets the specified spin validator. The validator is a mask handler that defines a spin value representation and validation algorithms.
v - the specified spin validator.


public void setBound(int min,
                     int max)
Sets the specified bound. The bound defines minimum and maximum values. The current value cannot be less minimum and greater the maximum values.
min - the specified minimum value.
max - the specified maximum value.


public void textRemoved(TextEvent e)
Description copied from interface: TextListener
Invoked when a part of the text has been removed.
Specified by:
textRemoved in interface TextListener
Following copied from interface:
e - the text event.


public void textInserted(TextEvent e)
Description copied from interface: TextListener
Invoked when a new text has been inserted in the text.
Specified by:
textInserted in interface TextListener
Following copied from interface:
e - the text event.


public void textUpdated(TextEvent e)
Description copied from interface: TextListener
Invoked when the text has been updated.
Specified by:
textUpdated in interface TextListener
Following copied from interface:
e - the text event.


protected LwLayout getDefaultLayout()
Description copied from class: LwPanel
Gets the default layout manager that is set with the container during initialization. This implementation of the method returns LwRastLayout as the default layout manager, the layout manager is got as a static object by "layout.raster" key.
getDefaultLayout in class LwPanel
Following copied from class: org.zaval.lw.LwPanel
a layout manager.


protected void valueChanged()
The method is called whenever the spin value has been changed.

Copyright © Zaval Creative Engineering Group, 2000-2005.