Interface Summary |
Cursorable |
This interface is used to provide cursor supporting for a lightweight component. |
Drawable |
Defines the interface for classes that know how to paint itself. |
Layoutable |
This is basic interface for components that are going to be laidout with the library layout
managers. |
LayoutContainer |
This is basic interface for components that can contain Layoutable components as child. |
LwComponent |
This is basic interface for GUI components of the light weight library. |
LwComposite |
This interface provides ability for a container to control child input events component
delivery. |
LwContainer |
This interface defines light weight container that inherits the LwComponent interface and
can contain other light weight components as child components. |
LwDesktop |
This interface is top-level container for all other lightweight components. |
LwLayer |
This layer interface is a special container that is used as the LwDesktop children. |
LwLayout |
Defines the interface for classes that know how to layout Layoutable components
inside a LayoutContainer container. |
LwManager |
LwTitleInfo |
The interface has to be implemented with a lightweight component that wants to use
LwTitledBorder view as a border view. |
LwViewProvider |
This interface is used to provide a view for the specified object. |
Switchable |
This is callback interface is used with a switch manager to notify when the state
of the switching component has been changed. |
TooltipInfo |
This is tooltip interface. |
TxtSelectionInfo |
This interface is used with the text render class (LwAdvTextRender) to paint selected text. |
Class Summary |
AWTClipboardMan |
This class implements simple clipboard manager for the library. |
AWTPopupManager |
This is popup menu manager. |
LwActContainer |
This class can be used for creating light weight containers that:
Wants to have focus.
Has a special child component that can be selected with rectangle frame if the container
has focus (use setAsFocusComponent
method to define the child component. |
LwAdvTextRender |
The class extends LwTextRender to support text block painting. |
LwAdvViewMan |
The class extends the basic view manager fuctionality. |
LwApplet |
This class should be used as a base for light weight applets creation. |
LwBaseLayer |
This layer class is basic implementation of the layer interface |
LwBlankDialog |
This class is "template" window component that can be used as the dialog window with the different
content. |
LwBorder |
The class implements set of borders views. |
LwBorderLayout |
The class implements layout manager interface. |
LwBorderPan |
This is lightweight component that can be used to organize border panel. |
LwButton |
This is button component, that is a composite component, so it is possible
to use any other component as the button label. |
LwCanvas |
This is basic implemenation of the light weight component interface that should be used
to develop own light weight component. |
LwCheckbox |
The class represents a switching GUI componenent that can have one of two states: "on" or "off". |
LwClipboardMan |
This class implements simple clipboard manager for the library. |
LwColorPanel |
This panel provides ability to cutomize color using different ways :
By the specifying RGB color components in the text fields.
By the specifying RGB color components using sliders.
By the selecting one of the predefined color. |
LwCombo |
This is combobox component. |
LwComboList |
This is list component that is supposed to be used as the list of the combobox component. |
LwCompRender |
The class implements lightweigt component render interface that provides ability to render
a light weight component (the light weight component should be used as a target for the render). |
LwConstraints |
The class is used to specify constrains that are used with the LwGridLayout layout manager. |
LwCursorManager |
This manager is used to support mouse cursor changing for a light weight
component. |
LwCursorView |
This class is used as a LwTextField caret view. |
LwFilePanel |
LwFlowLayout |
This class implements layout manager interface. |
LwFocusManager |
This class is an implementation of the LwFocusManager for the libarary. |
LwFontPanel |
LwFrame |
The class inherits java.awt.Frame components and it should be used instead the
java.awt.Frame to create a lightweight application. |
LwGridLayout |
This class implements layout manager interface. |
LwGroup |
This implementation of the switch manager class is used to control state for a set of switching
components where only one component can be "on". |
LwImage |
This light weight component is used to show an image. |
LwImgRender |
This class implements image render. |
LwImgSetRender |
This class is the same LwImgRender render but it allows to render specified part
of the target image object. |
LwLabel |
This light weight component is used to show a text by using LwTextRender as the face view. |
LwLine |
LwLink |
This component is something like text links that are used by "html". |
LwList |
This is list component. |
LwListLayout |
The class implements layout manager interface. |
LwMenu |
LwMenuBar |
LwMenuButton |
LwNotebook |
This is notebook container. |
LwPaintManager |
This manager is abstract class that is used as base for creating own paint managers
for the light weight libarary. |
LwPaintManImpl |
This class is implementation of the LwPaintManager for the library. |
LwPanel |
This is implementation of the light weight container interface that has to be used
to develop own light weight containers. |
LwPasswordText |
This class inherits LwTextRender to represent a password text. |
LwPercentLayout |
LwPopupLayer |
LwPopupManager |
This abstract class should be used to implement a popup menu manager. |
LwProgress |
This is progress bar light weight component that can be used to display progress status for
some processes. |
LwRasterLayout |
This class implements layout manager interface. |
LwRender |
This abstract class is used as base for lightweight renders implementations. |
LwRoot |
This class is a root light weight component that implements LwDesktop interface. |
LwScroll |
This is scrollbar component. |
LwScrollPan |
This is scroll panel component. |
LwSlider |
This is slider component that can be used to select a value from the
specified integer interval. |
LwSpeedButton |
This is state button component that allows to customize acceleration for repeatable action
event generation. |
LwSpin |
This is spin light weight component that can be used to input a bound integer value. |
LwSpinValidator |
This class is a special mask handler that is used by the spin component to validate
and represent bound integer value. |
LwSplitPan |
This split panel component is used to divide the container area into two resizeable
areas. |
LwStatusBar |
This is status bar light weight component. |
LwStButton |
This is state button component. |
LwSwitchManager |
This abstract class can be used to control state of switching components. |
LwSwitchManImpl |
This is simple implementation of the abstract switch manager class. |
LwTabRender |
This render is used to paint tab page of LwNotebook component. |
LwTextField |
This class is a text field component. |
LwTextRender |
This is text render. |
LwTitledBorder |
This class inherits LwBorder class to support a title area for the border view. |
LwToolkit |
This class provides set of useful static methods for the lightweight library. |
LwTooltipMan |
This manager is used to support tooltip for a light weight components. |
LwTracker |
This is tracker component. |
LwView |
This abstract class is used as base for lightweight views implementations. |
LwViewMan |
This class is used to support set of views. |
LwWindow |
This class is window lightweight component that can be used as a desktop window. |
LwWinLayer |
This is housekeeping layer implementation that is used by LwRoot class as the internal
windows container. |
LwWrappedText |
This is wrapped text render. |