Uses of Interface

Packages that use Layoutable
org.zaval.lw This is basic package of the light weight library. 
org.zaval.lw.grid This is set of classes to implement the light weight grid and tree grid components. 
org.zaval.lw.mask This is set of classes to implement masked text field component. 
org.zaval.lw.tree This is set of classes to implement the light weight tree component. 

Uses of Layoutable in org.zaval.lw

Subinterfaces of Layoutable in org.zaval.lw
 interface Drawable
          Defines the interface for classes that know how to paint itself.
 interface LayoutContainer
          This is basic interface for components that can contain Layoutable components as child.
 interface LwComponent
          This is basic interface for GUI components of the light weight library.
 interface LwComposite
          This interface provides ability for a container to control child input events component delivery.
 interface LwContainer
          This interface defines light weight container that inherits the LwComponent interface and can contain other light weight components as child components.
 interface LwDesktop
          This interface is top-level container for all other lightweight components.
 interface LwLayer
          This layer interface is a special container that is used as the LwDesktop children.

Classes in org.zaval.lw that implement Layoutable
 class LwActContainer
          This class can be used for creating light weight containers that: Wants to have focus. Has a special child component that can be selected with rectangle frame if the container has focus (use setAsFocusComponent method to define the child component.
 class LwBaseLayer
          This layer class is basic implementation of the layer interface
 class LwBlankDialog
          This class is "template" window component that can be used as the dialog window with the different content.
 class LwBorderPan
          This is lightweight component that can be used to organize border panel.
 class LwButton
          This is button component, that is a composite component, so it is possible to use any other component as the button label.
 class LwCanvas
          This is basic implemenation of the light weight component interface that should be used to develop own light weight component.
 class LwCheckbox
          The class represents a switching GUI componenent that can have one of two states: "on" or "off".
 class LwColorPanel
          This panel provides ability to cutomize color using different ways : By the specifying RGB color components in the text fields. By the specifying RGB color components using sliders. By the selecting one of the predefined color.
 class LwCombo
          This is combobox component.
 class LwComboList
          This is list component that is supposed to be used as the list of the combobox component.
 class LwFilePanel
 class LwFontPanel
 class LwImage
          This light weight component is used to show an image.
 class LwLabel
          This light weight component is used to show a text by using LwTextRender as the face view.
 class LwLine
 class LwLink
          This component is something like text links that are used by "html".
 class LwList
          This is list component.
 class LwMenu
 class LwMenuBar
 class LwMenuButton
 class LwNotebook
          This is notebook container.
 class LwPanel
          This is implementation of the light weight container interface that has to be used to develop own light weight containers.
 class LwPopupLayer
 class LwProgress
          This is progress bar light weight component that can be used to display progress status for some processes.
 class LwRoot
          This class is a root light weight component that implements LwDesktop interface.
 class LwScroll
          This is scrollbar component.
 class LwScrollPan
          This is scroll panel component.
 class LwSlider
          This is slider component that can be used to select a value from the specified integer interval.
 class LwSpeedButton
          This is state button component that allows to customize acceleration for repeatable action event generation.
 class LwSpin
          This is spin light weight component that can be used to input a bound integer value.
 class LwSplitPan
          This split panel component is used to divide the container area into two resizeable areas.
 class LwStatusBar
          This is status bar light weight component.
 class LwStButton
          This is state button component.
 class LwTextField
          This class is a text field component.
 class LwTracker
          This is tracker component.
 class LwWindow
          This class is window lightweight component that can be used as a desktop window.
 class LwWinLayer
          This is housekeeping layer implementation that is used by LwRoot class as the internal windows container.

Methods in org.zaval.lw that return Layoutable
 Layoutable LwPanel.get(int i)
          Gets a child component at the given index.
 Layoutable LwRoot.get(int index)
 Layoutable LayoutContainer.get(int index)
          Gets a child element at the given index.

Methods in org.zaval.lw with parameters of type Layoutable
 void LwRasterLayout.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is added to the layout container (that uses the layout manager).
 void LwRasterLayout.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is removed from the layout container, that uses the layout manager.
 void LwRoot.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
 void LwRoot.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
 void LwSpin.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
 void LwSpin.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
 void LwNotebook.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
 void LwNotebook.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
 void LwBorderPan.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
          The method is called if a component has been added to the owner layoutable container.
 void LwBorderPan.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
          The method is called if a component has been removed from the owner layoutable container.
 void LwGridLayout.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable b, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is added to the layout container, that uses the layout manager.
 void LwGridLayout.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is removed from the layout container, that uses the layout manager.
 void LwListLayout.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is added to the layout container, that uses the layout manager.
 void LwListLayout.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is removed from the layout container, that uses the layout manager.
 void LwSplitPan.componentAdded(java.lang.Object obj, Layoutable c, int index)
 void LwSplitPan.componentRemoved(Layoutable c, int index)
 void LwPercentLayout.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
 void LwPercentLayout.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
 void LwScrollPan.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable comp, int index)
 void LwScrollPan.componentRemoved(Layoutable comp, int index)
 void LwLayout.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is added to the layout container (that uses the layout manager).
 void LwLayout.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is removed from the layout container, that uses the layout manager.
 void LwBorderLayout.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable comp, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is added to the layout container, that uses the layout manager.
 void LwBorderLayout.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is removed from the layout container, that uses the layout manager.
protected static boolean LwBorderLayout.isVisible(Layoutable l)
          Tests if the specified layout container is not null and visible.
 void LwFlowLayout.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is added to the layout container (that uses the layout manager).
 void LwFlowLayout.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)
          Invoked when the specified layoutable component is removed from the layout container, that uses the layout manager.
 void LwWinLayer.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
 void LwWinLayer.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)

Uses of Layoutable in org.zaval.lw.grid

Classes in org.zaval.lw.grid that implement Layoutable
 class LwGrid
          This is light weight grid component.
 class LwGridCaption
          This component is used as the top grid component caption with a custom views.
 class LwTreeGrid
          This is light weight tree grid component.

Methods in org.zaval.lw.grid with parameters of type Layoutable
 void LwGrid.componentAdded(java.lang.Object id, Layoutable lw, int index)
 void LwGrid.componentRemoved(Layoutable lw, int index)

Uses of Layoutable in org.zaval.lw.mask

Classes in org.zaval.lw.mask that implement Layoutable
 class LwMaskTextField
          This is masked text field lightweight component that is supposed to be used for masked input.

Uses of Layoutable in org.zaval.lw.tree

Classes in org.zaval.lw.tree that implement Layoutable
 class LwTree
          This is tree view component.

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